10 Things You Master In A Long Distance Relationship


I’m sure many of you have heard that being in a long distance relationship is hard. Let me confirm everything you’ve heard for you: it is indeed, very, very hard. But here’s the twist you weren’t expecting. It’s also very rewarding. I never really thought about this before, when I finally sat down and thought about it, I realized there were some beneficial things to an LDR. Here are a few things I found I have slowly but surely become an expert at after being in a long distance relationship for more than three years now.

1. Being the best Wi-Fi indicator.

Because I know for a fact that Snapchat drains my data. So wherever I go, I have to make sure that I have free Wi-Fi before I snap and send my photos/videos of whatever I do to my significant other.

2. Being the best time difference calculator.

Because our worlds are separated not just by distance but also time.

3. Being the best listener.

Well…to my phone that is, as my ears have developed the skills to be able to hear if my phone goes off from meters away. In my case, I can also tell if the message received is from my partner after months of being connected this way; even though the same beep applies to other people’s messages too.

4. Being the best emoticon/emoji user.

Because unlike other couples, I don’t get to hear, let alone, see my boyfriend’s reactions to my stories every day. So if you’re like me, you probably invest most of your time trying to find the best teeny-tiny pictures to use to convey your feelings.

5. Being the best Google user.

Because I’m so used to Googling places, restaurants, and other things my other half mentions.

6. Being the best screenshot taker of my Skype dates.

Because I treat these as real dates.

7. Being the best event documenter, especially when my S/O and I are physically together.

That means taking lots of photos and saving them for later posts. This is mostly because I know I won’t have any pictures of us taken together for the next few months.

8. Being the best at not letting on how hard it is.

Especially when I post any pictures together with my S/O because people think my boyfriend is around, when in fact, he is not.

9. Being the best multi-tasker.

It usually involves doing my daily routine and Skyping at the same time. I think the craziest thing I’ve done is doing my morning, at-home-exercise routine while also Skyping with my S/O.

10. Being the best memory creator.

Because I know and appreciate how precious each second is when I get to spend it with my partner.