How I’m Turning 2018 Into The Year Of Chasing My Dreams


I’m going to strengthen my interests. I will cater to the passions inside of me. When 2019 rolls around, I will laugh at these comfort zones and be grateful I stepped straight out of them.

It’s easy for us to fall into routine and stop chasing after the things that we want. Many of us strive to become successful by climbing corporate ladders. The rest of us strive to create success by using our hearts and minds.

I followed the average path of a 20-something year old. I went to college. I picked a major. I picked a minor. I graduated college. I got a 9-5 job. I know what it’s like to be a robot. Waking up early, trudging through the commute, paying the bills. I did what I was “supposed” to do – what society told me I needed to get done. I followed the American way. Somewhere in between 2012 and 2016, I lost a very large piece of myself – my creativity.

2018 will be about what I want and not what society tells me to do. It will be about rediscovering what sets my soul on fire and makes me feel alive. Our comfort zones mean well. But they protect us so much that they hold us back.

If you’re looking for a sign: here it is. Dive deep within yourself and ask if you’re truly living to your full potential. Are you traveling as much as you wish? Is that relationship holding you back from the career you dream of? Are you surrounding yourself with people who make you bitter and not better?

Invest in your passions, hobbies, and inquisitive ways. The world has the tendency to tell us what we ought to be instead of asking us what our hearts seek. Learn to open your heart. Open your mind. Allow 2018 to teach you exactly what it’s meant to.