4 Tips For Surviving Your Quarter Life Crisis And Coming Out Even Stronger


A quarter life crisis is something we all experience. Once you hit the 25 year mark, you start asking yourself: “Am I preparing myself for my own future?”

You take a different approach to life and start questioning whether the things you’re doing at this moment will propel you towards the career you want.

25 is a weird age, because you know that you only have 5 years before you hit 30 and if you don’t make the most out of those 5 years, who knows where life could lead you?

At 25, most of us don’t have our life all figured out. Some people are graduating from college trying to figure out what’s next, others are chasing their dreams of making a living from doing the things they love.

There’s really no one right path to this thing we call life and we might not ever have our shit together. The most important thing we can do as adults is to just chase what we feel is right.

You’ll constantly get an earful from other people telling you what and what not to do, but only you know what’s right for you.

1. Don’t freak out.

Yes it’s true, most of your friends are starting to settle down in their careers and are finding their path. Who cares though? Your life is your life and you should never be worried about what everyone else is doing, as long as you’re focused on finding what is right for you.

2. It wont be easy.

Trying to find your “calling” is never easy and once you do find it, life doesn’t magically get easier. After finding your calling, this will be the most gruesome part of your life, filled with a lot of self-doubt.

But if you have enough determination, anything is possible. Don’t focus on the opinions of tother people, just do you!

3. Age is nothing but a number.

This is the most cliche phrase created by mankind, but it’s true. Some people don’t find their “calling” until their mid-30s or even later. At this moment if you don’t know where you want your life to head, it’s okay.

What you can do is prepare yourself for the moment. Find some things you truly enjoy doing and simply strategize on how you can make money out of that hobby. It’s that simple.

4. Don’t compare yourself to anyone.

We all follow a couple people on social media who seem to have life figured out, but you can’t assume what you don’t know. They might be in the same position you’re in right now and only glamorize the good parts of their life on social media.

Your journey is unique and it’ll never be recreated, so enjoy it the most you can. If you need to disassociate yourself from social media to figure your shit out, do so. Plan your shit and come back when you’re ready. Sometimes you have to get rid of the distractions to figure out your life plans.

Even at 25 we shouldn’t expect ourselves to have all of life figured out. Your 20s is the time where you should be learning , experiencing, failing, and succeeding.

Who gives a fuck what everyone else says? Do what you love the most. Just know to be productive in the meantime while you figure your life out.

After a while, going out every weekend only consumes time and time is the most essential measurement of life. We don’t ever get time back, so use it wisely.

Go ahead. Plan and execute. Boss up and handle your shit. You can’t expect life to handle all the shit for you, sometimes you need to go out into the world and take what’s yours.

Like Nike says, just do it.