This Little Boy’s Unbelievable Act Of Generosity Toward His Best Friend Is Going Viral Because It’s Actually That Moving


Since the beginning of the school year, Josette Duran of Albuquerque, New Mexico has been packing two sandwiches into her son’s lunchbox every day and it wasn’t because of her son’s healthy appetite. Duran’s son had noticed one child at his elementary school who always sat alone and had only a fruit cup to eat every day and simply couldn’t stand to see him go hungry that way.

“I know this isn’t much but I just got a job and I know you’ve been feeding my son.”

So, Duran did what any mother who had faced hard times herself would do if she could, she made the extra sandwich, added an extra bag of chips, yogurt, and a drink, essentially doubling her own school lunch budget to help her son’s friend.

And while that’s a lovely story of one person helping another in need, it doesn’t stop there. The mother of the boy Duran had been feeding lunch every day eventually found out what was going on and contacted Duran, explaining that she had previously lost her job and been unable to pay. She offered to pay Duran back for the lunches saying “I know this isn’t much but I just got a job and I know you’ve been feeding my son” but Duran said she couldn’t accept the single mother’s money.

The school’s girl’s volleyball team also raised over $400 to pay Duran back but once that money was in Duran’s hands she took it straight to the school saying, “We paid up all the past due accounts for all the kids that need lunch. So now nobody in that school owes lunch money to anybody and everybody can eat.

“This hits home to me because a few years ago I was homeless. I was living in my car, I was washing him in bathrooms and we didn’t have food.”

The money difficulties felt by other parents are all too familiar to Duran.

“This hits home to me because a few years ago I was homeless. I was living in my car, I was washing him in bathrooms and we didn’t have food.”