To The Woman Who Is More Successful On Paper Than Her Man


You got that promotion. You got the car. You got the awesome crib. You got the recognition.

All of these are the result of your hard work, dedication and commitment. And it would be nice if your man would be happy for you.

And you think he is. But maybe, not really. If he isn’t, it’s okay. Seriously, it’s REALLY okay.

Know that your accomplishments are a result of your daily grinds. Those days that you didn’t feel like getting out of bed, but you did anyway. Not only did you showed up for work, but you also owned it.

Those days when you had a tough time at work and pulled through because of your resilience and impeccable work ethic.

Those times when you almost want to quit but didn’t because that’s not you. Because you don’t quit. You persevere and work it out. You have integrity.

These events at work that strengthen you and made you the success you are today is worthy of praise. You are worthy of all these and more.

Your man may not have witnessed all of these.

The daily struggles that sometimes made you doubt yourself but still push through because it is who you are. You are relentless.

And so, wipe your tears and keep your head up high. You are deserving of this glory and more.

He is not the center of your success, you are. You made it happen. You made it here.

You need to know that your man should be supportive no matter what. Even if he doesn’t know the lengths you had to go through to get to where you are.

And if he is not, it’s okay. Maybe, he is not who you need to be with.

You need a man that puts you on a pedestal and is genuinely proud of you because you are your own person. Even if it means that you have reached considerable success way before him.

You deserve a man who is confident of himself even if he has not reached the same level of success as you. It takes a real man to be this person. And maybe, you have not met this person… yet.

Bask in your glory and be proud of yourself. Be the woman that you’ve always wanted to be, even if it means that maybe, you do it alone for now. It’s better to wait for someone who will appreciate your success instead of rain on your parade because of their bruised-up ego.