This Is What I Want Us To Be


As we sit right here inside a dark movie theater, I honestly can’t help thinking about our future together. As I feel the warmth of your hand against mine, I can’t help wishing for this moment to last forever. I want us to stay like this, me and you, just us two. As long as you’re right next to me, I feel like I can handle anything. No task is too heavy as long as we’re happy.

This might sound ridiculous but, years from now, I want us to be the ones who went through the toughest storms and came out stronger than ever. I want us to be the ones who laughed at the world’s biggest blow. I want us to be the ones who came out alive after being tortured by criticism from people we barely know. I want us to be the imperfect pair who bested out everyone from our age. I want us to be the ones who proved that friendship must never fade.

I want us to be the living proof that respect paired with trust can go a long way, that we don’t need to see each other all the time to ensure that we will stay. I want us to be the reason we keep waking up each day, and I want us to be each other’s rock when dark thoughts start to ricochet.

I want us to be the ones who took the time to really get to know one another instead of diving head first towards a paved disaster. I want us to be the ones who let go of shallow things that don’t really matter. I want us to be the ones who talked things through, the ones who verbalized their thoughts without wanting to argue. If there was a time wherein we had to fight, I hope that we fought a good fight right next to each other. I pray that it was never me against you.

I want us to be the ones who healed each other from the series of cuts we’ve had from the past. I want us to be the ones who were brave enough to simultaneously break our masks. And last but not the least, I want us to be the ones who did not tell but rather showed the world about what we’ve been through. the ones who told our story with just a simple kiss from me to you.