Why Our Generation Failed


Our generation is a mess, we all know this and so do the generations before us. However, we are such a beautiful one. We live in times of brokenness, where the world around us is in such chaos and lack of unity.

We are broken. And yet, we can relate to the Greek Goddess Akhilandeshvari for we know that within these broken times, our eyes are wide open. Our generation knows that through this broken, horrible mess, we are free. Free to grow and discover.

We live in a time of change. Where through heartbreaks we become better. Through all of our past shitty family ties, we become stronger and grow into who we want to be. Not who anyone else wants us to be, or who we were “supposed” to be.

Our generation is a unity in individuality. Where contradictions are good and necessary. I am a contradiction. I have always been a living contradiction. Seeing the good in everything and why unity is important, but so is individuality.

If it weren’t for our individuality we wouldn’t belong to ourselves, and be able to control our own thoughts and emotions. With our own unique individualities we are a puzzle piece in the beautiful picture of unity, if only we allowed all the other pieces to fit with ours.

Why should it matter someone’s race, gender, or sexual status? What matters is yours! The only thing that should matter to you is your own standing through it all. I am not perfect, and I have judged many others countless times. But it’s time for it to end.

Something bigger and better is coming and it’s greater than all of us. What is coming will not wait for you to be ready; it will wait for no one.

Our generation failed because we see right through all of the bullshit being fed. We see, and not with our eyes but with our doubts, our questions.

Don’t you see? WE ARE EXACTLY WHERE WE ARE SUPPOSED TO BE. We are so much stronger. We are so much more! Think about it, how scared would you be to know that and not be a part of it? We mustn’t fight the force, though. That does not make us better than any of those trying to stop us from being who we ARE meant to be.

What we must do, however, is watch the world around us fall apart on it’s own. We cannot be a part of the chaos. The world is too important. The world does not owe anyone anything. The world needs us, because we are the world.

Let the world fail. Let it fail. Because failure is oh, so beautiful.