3 Modern Rules All Head Bitches In Charge Live By


1. No dicks in your face.

Yes, this is every HBIC’s rule number one – well, maybe not exactly. Rule number one is different for every HBIC; however, rule number one should always establish your standards for yourself and for the people you surround yourself with. For me, no relationship will ever start with a dick in my face. I do not give head unless I am in a committed relationship and I expect that the people who I am around to completely respect this decision. It’s my standard, my line, my dignity. You can’t control how everyone is going to treat you, but you can eliminate unnecessary nuances and hurt. Control what you can control, and let the rest go… unless it’s in your face.

2. You are no one’s bitch.

I hear it over and over again, HBIC is a term that was developed to justify modern women treating other people like shit. That statement is entirely untrue. Being a HBIC and a caring person are not mutually exclusive. With that being said, a HBIC is never someone’s bitch. This does mean that they do not work hard in the position they are given, whether it is important or mundane. In fact, the opposite is true. You can’t be an HBIC if you’re not willing to work hard. But HBICs will always refuse to be taken advantage of because they know their self worth. They do not run around haphazardly on the whim of ass-hole guys or manipulative friends. They make sure things are done right and on their own terms.

3. Make the rest up as you go.

The true sign of an HBIC is that they are adaptive and can maneuver through anything. The rest of rules you can make up as you go. Only time, experience, and motivation create the best HBICs. Anna Wintour, Christine Lagarde, and all the other great HBICs before us were not built in a day. HBICs have a vision and the gumption to venture into uncharted waters and learn from their successes and their mistakes. So go ahead, be free. Learn as you go. Run shit.