I Can’t Save You, But I Can Love You


I can’t save you, but I can love you.

I can’t fix the heartbreak that shines like glass out of your sharp green eyes, but I can be by your side and promise to never break your heart.

I can’t glue your pieces back together, but I  can hug you as tightly as possible while you try your hardest to mend your broken parts. I can’t save you from the pain that is pressing down on your heart, but I can give you my heart, time and time again.

I can’t put out the fire that you are walking through,  but I can be by your side, with each step you take through the flames. I can’t protect you from the orange and red heat, but I can take care of your burns.

I can’t lift the weight of the world off of your shoulders, but I can carry as much of it as you will let me. I can hold as much as you will give me.

I can’t be your sun when you are lost in the darkness, but I can hold your hand as you walk through the shadows.

When tears glisten gently in your eyes, I can’t relieve you of the hurt, but I can promise you that one day you won’t hurt so much. When your heart is aching, I can put my warm hands on yours and help you to feel as though you are never alone.

I can’t save you from the loneliness you feel, or from the sadness that envelops you , but I can promise you that you are loved in more ways than you could ever imagine. I can look into your eyes and show you that I am here, and that I am not going anywhere.

When you are scared of the frosty waves that crash down all around you, I can hold you close so that another heartbeat can keep your heart warm.

I can’t save you, but I can love you.

I can promise to be there for you, when your world is caving in and your dreams are failing. I can be there for you when you hit rock bottom and have nowhere else to go. I can be there for you when the tears stream down your face into pools and then rivers.

I can’t save you from the hurt or the pain. I can’t save you from the lows or from the tears. I can’t save you from the flames or the tidal waves. But I can promise to love you.

I can promise to love you when you are unable to love yourself. I can promise to love you when your wings feel broken, and when you feel like giving up. I can promise to love you while you search, near and far, for a way to love yourself.

I can’t save you, but I can promise to love you fiercely while you learn the way to save yourself.

I can’t save you, but I can love you.