This Is The Way My Lesbian Girlfriend And I Decided To Choose Our Threesome Partner


I didn’t have to sleep with a guy to know I was a lesbian. Summer camp counselors, secret computer searches and an obsession with the Spice Girls told me all I needed to know. Fast forward to my 20’s, and my gold star status still remained. So when my girlfriend of a year and a half through out the idea of a threesome, you can imagine my shock initially, but I loved her. And frankly, I was curious. What does it feel like to have a penis inside of you? Does it hurt? And that little voice inside of me kept challenging me, “ Why not try it? When else are you going to have this chance!”

We couldn’t possibly ask anyone we knew. What if the word got out? So we decided to try our hand at the internet’s haven for late night love seekers: Craigslist.

We detailed our perfect stallion for us two mares. We tacked a picture of a unicorn threesome on it. And of course we asked for sex haikus.

20 hours later, we had over 400 responses and the best poetry I’d ever read. Some were haikus, but all were incredible. We narrowed it down to haikus only, obviously. Here’s the list of runner-ups:

A hot sapphic tryst
Two hot girls, a sexy twist
Hope I make the list.

It’s raining tonight
Three is more fun than two, no?
All will have some cum

my penis is not scary
my body’s not too hairy
nest, please welcome me

I’ve always thought a
penis only as scary
as its owner is.

It’s exactly like
straight sex, except our penises
glow in the dark

Two mares together
One stallion for the night

One hard,
Two soft,
Three fete,
All aloft.

Stds? I’ve been monogamous for years and had a vasectomy so I’m as safe as a dildo.

A woman–two women!
A man, for them
A kiss, a thigh, a breast
Pink petals and penises–alive!