Your Love Was So Many Colors


Sometimes you were shades of yellow,
Bright, lively and happy.
Sometimes you were shades of gray,
Insecure, scared and sad.

Sometimes you were shades of red,
Masculine, warm, and lively.
Sometimes you were shades of blue,
Cold, aloof and impassive.

Sometimes you were shades of green,
Peaceful, balance and reassured.
Sometimes you were shades of violet,
Reserved, inferior, and self-indulge.

Sometimes you were shades of pink,
Endearing, encouraged and serene.
Sometimes you were shades of orange,
Frustrated, immature and deprived.

Sometimes you were shades of black,
Sophisticated, competent and exceptional.
Sometimes you were shades of white,
Pure, clean and simple.

No matter which shade are you,
That cannot truly define you.
You’re a rainbow of colors in visible light,
That shines brightly even at night.