10 Steps To Expressing Yourself In Writing


You have an idea that you think will lead to the next best-selling book. You know, one of those that go viral instantly and become the next phenomenal hit. The only thing standing in your way is translating that brilliant idea into words. The question is; how do you begin straddling those widely scattered pieces of your idea into one uniformly bridged and organized concept?

Here are 10 tips to get you started:

1. Educate Yourself
Whoever said that good writers are good thinkers because they are good readers could never have been more right. To be able to express an idea that will be well-received and not misunderstood or disregarded, you need to borrow a leaf or two from the pages of prolific writers. Writers who painted history pages with words that made them delightful to read. You need to have a desire to discover by learning and exploring. Books have to become that source of inspiration and adventure. The choice depends on what you intend to write on but should not be restricted to it. If you want to write academic content, then put in a lot of time reading academic literature and a bit of time reading some fictional books especially classical ones. The variety of style you find in both genres will enrich your writing skills and empower you with true intellectual stock to produce outstanding writing pieces.

2. Create the Writing Ambiance
There is no definite surrounding for writing. In fact, you might realize that the best writing was done or started in the weirdest places. Do not shy away from scouting around for places that have just the right combination of light, background noise, smells etc. to get your writing going.

3. Frame the Outline
Failure to plan your writing is a sure way to fail in your writing. What you want to say can only be said if you know exactly how to say it. Structure is paramount. Spend enough time formulating steps you will take to convey your message. Organize your thoughts so that there is a continuous, smooth flow of communication from the beginning to the end. Some people prefer using mind-maps. It is preferable to start with the most useful/important point then working your way down through to the list.

4. Know your Audience
Have you once read something and felt like the writer was talking to you directly? That’s because they wrote with you in mind. You were the priority. Keyword placements and catchy headlines would grab their attention for less than 15 seconds. Building readership requires a deeper understanding of your audience. So put yourself in their position, and as you write, pay attention to the questions that pop and try to answer them while writing. A lasting rapport is built on giving what your readers seek most —perspective.

5. Writing tone
Most writers advise on writing the way you speak. A dialogue is often the recommended approach. This is where your personal brand is born. And it is also the beginning of your reputation. Try to be generous with your personal thoughts. In my opinion, writing that is spiced up and peppered with emotions and feelings gains more readership more quickly than one that is based on concrete concepts.

6. Less is MORE
For starters, you could practice this technique with articles on newspapers. Try to sum up the points without diluting the meaning. Omit jargon and try to use words instead of phrases. You can combine thoughts in a paragraph by using sentences that are brief and succinct.

7. Show, Don’t Tell
Imagery is a valuable writing tool. It is, in my view, the strongest currency. You don’t just want to entice your readers; you want to pique their interest—keep returning for more. Descriptive language is the flavor you need in your writing.

8. Practice More
It cannot be emphasized enough. Practice makes perfect.

9. Be Consistent
If you have settled for a friendly tone then keep it that way. Let the tempo in your writing bring out your personality in a manner that assures the reader you are consistent and reliable.

10. Edit and Proofread your Work
You can go over your work immediately after you have finished. Or edit it after doing something else. Or you can have someone do it for you. Use whichever works for you. But edit, edit, edit your work.

Writing is a constantly changing and growing craft. It stretches a writer’s imagination. It is intellectually demanding and sometimes really frustrating. So if want to stick around and make something of yourself out of it then you are going to need patience, perseverance and a lot of thinking outside the box.