31 Of The All Time Scariest Horror Movies You Can Stream This Weekend



This underrated gem has a twist ending even horror buffs won’t see coming. And if you’ve seen it before, it’s still fun (and super creepy) to watch.

Let the Right one In

Let The Right One In
Let The Right One In

This is creepy and unsettling, but not super scary. However, it’s a horror fan favorite and an awesome date night movie (weirdly). It’s worth the subtitles to watch the original, the remake isn’t totally terrible though.

The Shining

The Shining
The Shining

Unlike most horror movies, it doesn’t lose its scare-factor the more you see it. It manages to be horrifying every time you watch it.

The Orphanage

The Orphanage
The Orphanage

A chilling gothic movie full of suspense. It’s subtitled, but so worth it.



This one seems consistently overlooked to me. It was a totally fresh concept that was genuinely unnerving and very, very scary. The sequel is also very good!

Silence of the Lambs

Silence of the Lambs
Silence of the Lambs

Almost three decades later and this whole series is still creepy as fuck.

The Thing

The Thing
The Thing

If you’re tired of horror movies where the main characters act like complete idiots, watch this classic. You’ll actually relate to them and the horror they encounter.

House of the Devil

House of the Devil
House of the Devil

The retro vibe is really cool, the tension Ti West builds up is uncomfortable (in a fun way), and the last 20 minutes or so are super terrifying.

The Ring

The Ring
The Ring

With a new movie coming out in the franchise soon, it’s time to get reacquainted with the film that made us all afraid of our TVs.

Event Horizon

Event Horizon
Event Horizon

If you’re missing a horror movie with an actual plot, try this one. It’s a thinking person’s horror movie.

Dead Silence

Dead Silence
Dead Silence

It’s a little cheesy, but it’s also surprisingly scary, especially if you have a fear of dolls.



All the movies in this franchise are actually really scary. This is the best pick if you want to do a mini-marathon.

The Blair Witch Project

Blair Witch Project
Blair Witch Project

A classic, still unsettling, and worth rewatching before you see the new one.

Crow’s Nest

Crow's Nest
Crow’s Nest

A surprisingly great found footage movie that will keep you in suspense the entire time.

Jack Ketchum’s The Girl Next Door

The Girl Next Door
The Girl Next Door

Totally unexpected and sadistic. You know it’s going to scare the shit out of you when even the Wikipedia entry is terrifying.

You’re Next

You're Next
You’re Next

There’s something about animal masks that makes everything so much creepier. Also, the soundtrack to this one is killer.

Megan is Missing

Megan is Missing
Megan is Missing

There’s a scene near the end that you will never, ever be able to unsee.

Rosemary’s Baby

Rosemary's Baby
Rosemary’s Baby

A creepy classic that’s worth rewatching every few years.

The Lodge

The Lodge
The Lodge

This is one most people haven’t seen, and it’s good. You think you know where the movie is going to go, but it’s totally surprising.



Watch this before your beach vacation. Hell, even swimming pools are scary after this one.

The Others

The Others
The Others

Rarely gets mentioned because it’s not quite as good once you’ve seen it and know the ending. If enough time has passed since you’ve last seen it, you’ll be surprised how creeped out you get.



The man, the myth, the legend.

Jacob’s Ladder

Jacob's Ladder
Jacob’s Ladder

Prepare to be fucked up.

Grave Encounters

Grave Encounters
Grave Encounters

Prepare to be violently on the edge of your seat the entire time.



This one is a great conversation starter because everyone remembers watching It in their childhood and how fucking terrified it made them.

Session 9

Session 9
Session 9

A solid suspenseful movie with a killer ending.

Pet Semetary

Pet Semetary
Pet Semetary

No one is scarier than Stephen King.

The Strangers

The Strangers
The Strangers

One of the scariest modern horror movies. Try to watch it with the curtains open and not become super paranoid about someone watching you.



After all these years, it’s still going to make you afraid of your bathroom mirror.

The Descent

The Descent
The Descent

Watch this one when you’re craving something other than the standard issue ‘killer on the loose’ or ‘haunted house’ plot. It feels fresh and is full of jump scares that make it super satisfying.

The Haunting

The Haunting
The Haunting

This movie is why people like scary movies. It’s miles ahead of the remake. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

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Chrissy Stockton

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