The Brutal Truth About Why You Haven’t Found ‘The One’ Yet
When you truly fall in love with yourself and know you are the “one” you have been looking forward, you will see that everyone is a soulmate and the only one that completes you is you.

Let’s talk about finding the “one” – you know that magical person that is your soulmate. Your other half. The one who completes you. The one that you will run in slow motion through a field of sunflowers to and when you kiss fireworks will go off!
Okay so you probably detect a bit of sarcasm. And the sarcasm isn’t there because I am jaded or don’t believe in love. I LOVE romance and love.
What I don’t love is the some of the misunderstandings around soul mates and the pain many of us endure when it comes to romantic relationships.
Why are romantic relationships – everything from the pursuit of them to being in them to break-ups – so painful sometimes?
These are the questions I answer in this week’s podcast episode with Michael as well as share one of my personal experiences with seeking “the one”.
Do you relate to any of the following:
- Are you longing for a soul mate so much so that it is causing you to suffer?
- Do you keep dating the same person over and over again with a different face?
- Could old issues from your childhood, specifically unmet needs from your parents, be impacting who and how you are dating?
- Are you in a fantasy-based relationships? Could it be time to take off the rose-colored glassed?
I will leave you with this: When you truly fall in love with yourself and know you are the “one” you have been looking forward, you will see that everyone is a soulmate and the only one that completes you is you. And when you truly know that, you can draw in a relationship based on your values and where you are headed, versus your issues and where you’ve been.