34 People On The Most Embarrassing Text Message They’ve Sent To The Wrong Person

17. Sent the wrong texts to his sister.

I accidentally sent some very sexual texts to my sister. Grabbed her phone and deleted it before she read it.

18. Nudes to mom.

I sent a nude to my mom… I don’t think we made eye contact for a good month after that.

19. Received the wrong text from his crush.

The girl I was head-over-heels for (and best friends with for a time) accidentally texted me saying, “wobbysobby is a weird dude, we’re not even really friends anymore.” :[

20. Sent the wrong text to the girlfriend (now ex-girlfriend).

“I’m sincerely thinking about breaking up with ex-gf , she’s done nothing but make me feel like shit for weeks.” Meant for best friend, sent to ex-gf.

Didn’t even have to break up after that, which was nice.

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