43 Parents Reveal The One Secret That Could Ruin Their Child’s Life

35. BanalPlatitude

My boss absolutely regrets marrying his wife and having his son. He goes so far as to say he wishes he were dead (his son, that is). Often. To colleagues. At work.

36. Cheesus250

Not life-ruining, but when my little sister was a baby my parents became convinced she had down syndrome. They took her to a specialist and everything. As it turned out she wasn’t mentally handicapped, just a really derpy-looking baby.

37. wiqi1

I am from Pakistan. My parents hid the acceptance letter from a Canadian university so that I won’t leave them. They needed me at the family shop that my father runs in our hometown. I haven’t been so distressed in my life when I found out about it six months ago. I don’t hate them for doing this but they could have asked me.

38. digger64

Sometimes I wonder if I should tell my kid about his older brother that we didn’t adopt after finding them both trapped in a Miami shipping container, sitting beside their real mother’s chain-sawed corpse, slippery in a vast pool of her thickening three day old blood. But then I think, hey, how could that possibly come back to bite him?

39. baconateordie

My mom was supposed to have thyroid cancer and was told to abort me. She decided she’d rather die than not have me and she turned out to be cancer free. Father on the other hand scheduled a vasectomy the day after I was born. Mom is still awesome, haven’t talked to “father” in about 8 years. I’m 19.

40. fattymcnasty123

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