Let 2017 Be All About Christ’s Resolutions, Not Your Resolutions


We all appreciate the New Year because it a clear slate. It is a fresh opportunity to make changes in our life? But did you know that Jesus Christ gives you a fresh slate every single day? Once you open up your hearts to the Lord, he washes you totally clean. You don’t have to wait until January 1st to start over — all you have to do is ask Jesus to take your sins. It is really that easy!

By offering your sins up to God, you are honoring the sacrifice he made on the cross and allowing his body and blood to absolve you. It is from there, and not some arbitrary calendar date, that we find power and renewal!

In the last few days, I’ve been reading so much on the internet about “New Year’s Resolutions” and goals people have been setting for 2017. Now, I don’t have anything against setting objectives and trying to better yourself. That is absolutely amazing, and everyone should do it. But when I see people making these “New Year’s Resolutions” it seems to be a little much.

We don’t need to set the agenda of our growth this year — Jesus already has done that for us. What we have to be carefully of, however, is not yanking it out of his control. Humans have a control issue — we all do. We want to set our goals, on our time, in our way:

We want to be dating someone now.

We want that new job, that big raise, that cute apartment.

Jesus doesn’t work like that. He is on the long road, helping us over time. While you should feel free to set goals (or even New Years Resolutions) please make sure that they are in accordance with God’s plan, not just your plan.

In this New Year I pray that we give the good Lord the control he needs to set the resolutions for us. Amen.