To My Fellow Women, Your ‘Forever Person’ Is Jesus Christ


I’ve been reading a lot on this website about “Forever People.” This term seems to be roughly equivalent to your “soul mate” or “partner.” But to be honest, I think that’s a little ridiculous. 

Let’s consider what “forever” means exactly. Forever means something has been around since the start of the universe, and will be around until its end. Forever is infinity, consistently enduring through both the past and the future. Even if you met your soulmate tomorrow, he would not be your “forever person” because you didn’t know him until then! “Forever” is much bigger than we think it is. Forever is eternal, always constant.

However, we all do have a forever person. He is someone who has been around for us since the very start of existence itself, and will be here for us until the last dying moment of the universe. He is something who has sacrificed everything for us — even his life. He created all of us with his own master hand, shaping us into the beautiful people that we are.

Yes, I am talking about Jesus Christ.

We all already have a “forever person.” He has been there for us since the very moment we were born. He has looked out for us, provided for us, and listened to us when we needed him. As the Bible says, he is the “alpha and the omega, the first and the last.” He is, by the very definition, our forever person.

That’s not to say it is wrong to want a relationship or to want a husband! A boyfriend could strengthen you and your relationship with God. But do not hyperbolize your relationship status by suggesting that a mortal man could be your “forever person!” Your boyfriend surely cannot go back in time and provide for you through all of existence (if he can, I would be very interested in that!)

Our Earth lives are temporary and while none of us know what exactly happens when we pass on to heaven, we do know that Jesus will still be by our side, shepherding our souls into external bliss.

That is forever. He is a “forever person.”

He is the one you can turn to when life sucks.

He is the one who will answer your prayers, and send you a lifeline when you need it the most.

He is the one who — hundreds and hundreds of years ago — died on the cross so that you may know eternal life.

He is the one that loves you beyond all others.

That is a “forever person.”

And I, like you, hope that my forever person leads me to my romantic soulmate — my “Earth person” perhaps — but regardless of what happens, I know my forever person, Jesus Christ, will lead me through it all and always be there to support me along the way.