Crying Baby On Train Causes Menstruating Girl To Question Everything


BROOKLYN, NY – At about 8:50 am this morning at the Nevins St. stop in Brooklyn, Carolyn Busa, on day 2 of her period, transferred from the Manhattan bound 4 express train to the local 2. “My morning had been going fine. I had some cramps but nothing crazy. I was running late for work so I decided to transfer to the 2 so I could get off at Clark St. which is close to work.”

Immediately once inside the train, Carolyn heard the screams of a baby boy. “The boy was probably 1, maybe 2-years old. I’ve heard babies cry before but this boy was really going at it.”

Passengers aboard the 2 train say the boy was crying for over 7 stops. He was clawing and climbing over his mother and screaming, “No! No!”

“I felt bad for the mom. She was trying to calm him [the boy] down but he wouldn’t stop.” Carolyn recalls. “I kept looking at the mother and the boy and at one point the little boy looked me straight in the eye. It was at that moment I lost my shit.”

According to Carolyn, once the crying boy looked at her, everything went cloudy. “I started tearing up. I knew that if I kept looking at the boy I was going to start crying.”

This wouldn’t be the first time Carolyn almost cried in public. Once while riding a Megabus Carolyn had to put her sunglasses on after watching a particularly emotional episode of Mad Men.

”It was the one where Don and Peggy get drunk together on Peggy’s birthday. Something about their relationship really got to me.”

But today, Carolyn was menstruating. “I started thinking, ‘I’m going to be 30 in a little over a year. Am I ever going to be ready to have a baby? Do I want a baby? Would I be a good mom? Would my baby love me as much as my dog does? Would my dog like my baby? Is my dog as cute as everyone says he is? Am I accomplishing the goals I set for myself? Did I make the right choice moving to Brooklyn? Should I make that DiGiorgno pizza tonight or tomorrow night?’ I literally couldn’t stop freaking out in my head. It was like, not even funny.”

The boy and his mother also got off at the Clark St. stop but turned right outside the station. Carolyn was going left. “I think if they went the same direction as me, it would have been bad. I probably would have asked to hold the baby.”