Ryan Murphy Wants To Create A ‘Black Mirror’-Style Show About The #MeToo Movement


If you pay attention to TV news at all, you’ve probably heard of Ryan Murphy. The superproducer is the creator of Glee (and it’s spinoff, The Glee Project), the ultra-popular American Horror Story, and American Crime Show, to name a few. He’s a big name in the industry, and now that Netflix has acquired him for a new show, he’s got a lot of ideas about what he wants to do next.

One particular idea, though, might hit just a little too close to home. That’s because Murphy might just be interested in capitalizing by perhaps the biggest movement in the past year: #MeToo.

Murphy pitched the show, which he named Consent, as a Black Mirror-esque anthology where “every episode would explore a different story, starting with an insidery account of the Weinstein Company.” Every episode would have a different creator and follow a different #MeToo account.

Of course, there’s a pretty big change we may never see this show in action, considering Murphy’s deal with Netflix doesn’t begin until July, and there’s plenty of time for him to choose a completely different project to focus on. Still, Murphy is known for his inclusive shows and his willingness to tackle hard subjects, and I’m intrigued by the premise. It would take a lot of sensitivity to create a show like this, but hey, maybe it’s something we’ll see reach fruition in the near future.