This Woman’s Simple Trick To Avoid Getting Hit On At The Gym Is Hilariously Genius


Sometimes guys are just REALLY bad at deciding when they should or shouldn’t hit on a girl. For instance: the gym. No girl goes to the gym hoping some dude is gonna start flirting with her while she’s working out on the elliptical machine. In fact, if you’re like me, you don’t want anyone to talk to you while you’re at the gym at all, period. I’m miserable enough as it is, thanks.

But author Olivia A. Cole has the perfect solution for when a dude tries to hit on you and you really don’t think you can handle it. She overheard the whole thing while she was working out at the gym.

LOLOLOL I’m sorry but that’s so perfect.

Honestly, you can judge it all you want, but there are a lot of women who are thankful for this handy tip.

Or an even better tip: dudes, don’t hit on girls at the gym!!!

Honestly, we should start using this trick in other areas of life, too — it seems like it’s been working pretty well so far.

Next time someone tries to hit on you while you’re going about your normal routine, ladies, you know what to do.