Kim Kardashian Brutally Dragged Lamar Odom In This Savage Tweet For Talking Shit On Khloe


By now, “family drama” is just part of the Kardashian brand. I mean, that’s how they got their own TV show, right? And hey, you can say what you want about the Kardashians, but we all love a little drama.

Last night, Kim basically broke Twitter by taking a brutal jab at ex-brother-in-law Lamar Odom, who honestly kind of deserved it after he made this shitty comment about his ex-wife Khloe.

Sorry, Lamar, we know you’re probably pretty salty, but slut-shaming your ex for moving on with her life isn’t cute. Especially when you can take a pretty big chunk of the blame for the relationship ending. Remember that part, Lamar?

Though the Kardashians may fight a lot with each other, they sure as hell aren’t about to let someone talk about one of their sisters that way. Kim clapped back with this simple (but effective) tweet:

DAAAAMMMMNNNN, that’s cold. In case you forgot, Lamar Odom was found unconscious in a Nevada brothel when he and Kourtney were technically still married, though working on getting divorced. I gotta admit, Kim is serving some serious truth here.

Let’s just say a lot of people were feeling the burn.

Seriously, though, shouldn’t Lamar be a little more appreciative for the Kardashians? Sure, he and Khloe didn’t work out, but they were there for him a lot of the time.

Sit down, Lamar, you deserve to be dragged for that one. You don’t have any room to talk shit on anyone.