This Hook Up App Helps You Date Your Crush’s Doppleganger, As If 2017 Wasn’t Strange Enough


If things haven’t been working out well with your crush, we have a solution: date their doppleganger. With this new dating app, it’s actually a possibility.

Badoo isn’t your average hook up app. Instead of swiping through hundreds of men who just aren’t as cute as your super hot TA, you can just get straight to business, thanks to its facial recognition technology.

You can choose a celebrity from its database or upload your own pic of some cutie you’ve been crushing on, and voila — the app gives you a list of people who look similar. Sometimes eerily so.

So, while your new virtual hottie might not sing the same way your freshman year crush Jake did, he does have his dreamy blue eyes. And sure, the guy you’re planning to meet for coffee might not understand Game of Thrones the way your ex did, but they both have six-packs and beards, so it’s all good. And, OK, you’re definitely not going to make out with a three-times Oscar nominee at the end of the night, but there are worse things. To-ma-to, ta-ma-to, right?

Because hey, if you can’t have your first choice, Badoo can give you the next best thing.