These Guys Put Up A Craigslist Ad To Find A Generic Father Figure For Their Backyard BBQ


Oh, Craiglist, what a strange place you are. I’ve found plenty of interesting things on it โ€” instruments, graphic cards, furniture, even roommates โ€” but this is the Craiglist ad to rule them all: these guys are looking for a generic father figure.

The Spokane, Washington ad, which is now deleted, is both hilarious and genius.

And apparently, the guys actually heard back from a few people, including one guy named Jerry who said they could call him “Dave” or “Bill” instead.

And of course, people on Twitter were loving it.

We may have even found a few good candidates.

I mean, can you blame them? Sometimes all we need is a nice BBQ and some guy named Dave to crack open a cold one with.