My favorite part of April Fools’ Day is the time after it’s already over, so you can laugh at all the terrible things that happened to other people while feeling safe and secure knowing that people (probably) won’t play some terrible prank on you.
Example one: this mother probably wasn’t super stoked when her husband texted her about an emergency involving their son, but I sure am laughing about it now.
It all started with this message she got from her husband while at work asking to reschedule some family photos they were supposed to take.
Once her husband Bobby started reminding her of all the sweet things he’d done for her in the past, she knew something was up. She just wasn’t ready for what was going to happen next.
She was not happy with the surprise, to say the least.
And then she went into full-on panic mode.
“Like a potato,” indeed.
If you didn’t think it was possible for her to freak out more, you’re wrong. Just look what happened when he suggested shaving his own head.
I’m sorry, but LOLOLOL.
Just when it started to get a little violent, Bobby finally threw in the towel and admitted the truth.
Not that it completely consoled her or anything.
Well, I found it funny, Bobby. Glad you got to use those photoshop skills to create a true masterpiece.