These Teens Plotted To Rob And Murder A Classmate Because They Were ‘Tired’ Of Her Snapchat Messages


Two Utah teens plotted to kill a 14-year-old girl because one “got tired” of the girl sending him Snapchat messages — and they almost got away with it, too.

The boys plotted to murder Deserae Turner after one had joked about being annoyed with her and wanting to kill her. His friend, however, supposedly replied, “It would be pretty easy to get rid of her.”

The two boys allegedly told Turner they were selling her a knife to lure her into a dry canal bed. When she turned to leave and walk back home, the boy she had been messaging shot her in the back of the head with a .22-caliber revolver he brought with him.

After shooting her, the alleged assailant took Turner’s phone and iPod from her pocket while his friend stole $55 from her purse and removed her backpack from her body. They then destroyed her electronics and threw her backpack into a dumpster.

Though the boys left her for dead, Turner was eventually found by two women who were out searching for her.

This wasn’t the boys’ first attempt to murder Turner. They had allegedly planned to slit her throat, but they couldn’t go through with it in the end.

The boys have been charged with one count each of first-degree felony attempted aggravated murder and aggravated robbery and four counts each of second-degree felony obstructing justice. Turner, on the other hand, is on the road to recovery, though she’s still rattled about the incident.

“She was surprised,” Smithfield Detective Brandon Muir told the Salt Lake Tribune when asked how the teen took the news of finding out her alleged assailant. “She had a look of shock on her face.”