20 Kinda Inappropriate Questions That Every Guy Wants To Ask You


How does menstruation affect your apocalypse survival/epic quest fantasies? Do you ever dream about going out on an action-packed adventure and then privately roll your eyes as you ponder the detail of how to maintain your absorbent hygiene supply on the road?

— Defends_ForceAwakens


I’ve always wanted to ask female partners how I stacked up to their other past male partners (size wise), but I understand that it’s a really shitty question that will probably never get a factual answer and also shows a real lack of self-esteem.

— JayVee26


How are you not outraged by the pocket problem?

I just recently found out while doing laundry that there are fake pockets sewn into the prints of jeans. Some have tiny little gaps, some don’t even fucking open at all. Is this not clear collusion between purse manufacturers and garment manufacturers?

— omgsiriuslyzombi


When you masturbate, what (if anything) do you actually think about (or watch, etc)?

I’ve have a couple of girls over the years admit to watching porn, which I can understand/relate to. But the rest just seem embarrassed to discuss that part.

— billbapapa

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