21 Photos That Prove Old People Are The Best At Using Facebook


1. Old people want brands to know about deaths in the family.

2. They share Facebook accounts.


3. And they want you to know they love you, too.


4. Old people love to share.


5. They’re……also……rooting…for…..you…..


6. And it’s a blast when they succeed at something!


7. And they’re not afraid to tell you when something’s not right.


8. They’re oh-so-ever sweet!


9. And they have the uncanny ability to steer conversation their way.


10. They’re not afraid to use antiquated phrases!


11. And always looking to help their loved ones.


12. They’re always in a hurry.


13. And so cryptic sometimes.


14. They refuse to get on your pop culture level.


15. They’re not afraid to call you out, either.


16. And they know exactly what they want to see.


17. They’re not afraid to ask for help, either!


18. They know some famous people.

19. But despite not understanding how search engines work…


20. …you know, above all, all they want is to connect with you.

21. *drops mic*

You go Donna, you fucking badass.

For cute animals and babies, check out Cute Catalog on Facebook!