18 People On The Most “Porn-Like” Situation They’ve Experienced
Coming home from work to find my GF at the time, cleaning my apartment in a french maid outfit...
By Bobby Viner

1. ElijahSkuggs
A female cashier at a pharmacy (CVS) told me I could meet her out back to provide her with a different method of payment.
2. Heyheysaysomething
met a guy at a party and went home with him with my blockmate. Continued drinking at his place and then he blurted out something like “you girls are making me horny” and all of the sudden we’re all over each other. He was eating me while my friend was giving him a blowjob
3. norminthedorm
I guess I’ll start. I was sleeping over at a buddy’s house in highschool and decided to yank it on his couch while he was sleeping and his sister caught me and offered to help.
4. KindofLikeSpittingit
Back in highschool when AIM was the hottness, I convinced two girls to have some fun with me. I went over to one of the girls house where they were, we went up into her bedroom and they layed me down on the bed. They pulled down my pants and they both started to blow me. When one asked “How do we both do this?”, my dumbass said “I don’t know, fight over it?” It’s not what I wanted to say but that’s just what came out. Anywho, they got me off and I left a happy man. They only thing I felt bad about at the time was they were both my ex’s best friends and we had broke up the week before.
Coming home from work to find my GF at the time, cleaning my apartment in a french maid outfit… With stockings… The works… Bending over to reveal no panties… FUC
6. frobro58
As a delivery driver I deliver a specialty item, let’s just leave them as sweets. On my third delivery for this job three girls open the door, this is a college town mind you. One girl is completely naked, the other two just have on thongs. They start giggling when they see me, and the words, “thank god he’s cute,” get said over the coarse of the awkward ten seconds where I am just in awe. So one of the girls with in the thongs grabbed me by the hand and pulled me inside saying, “why don’t you come help us with a problem?” 45 minutes later I make it back to the shop with a shit eating grin on my face. I’m still in contact with them and hook up occasionally, they turned out to be cheerleaders for my school.
7. mistsofobscurity
When I was 17 I had a friend who lived above a bar. She had one of her friends and myself over for a sleep over in the parking lot, under a tent. After her mother went to sleep, she snuck upstairs and grabbed the keys to the bar and we all got drunk as fuck.
A little while later, we had a crazy, drunken threesome.
This happened twice.
8. IAMA_Myself_AMA
Ok, so I was cheating on my then-girlfriend with this smoking hot wannabe model (underground goth/metal scene, not like Victoria’s Secret or something). She was over one night, and we have a friend come over who at the time was a lesbian (but I had hooked up with her before she came out) and is now a man. So we all cuddled up to watch a movie, me in the middle. Things progressed. A lot. Then some more. Oh lawdy, the things that went down that night. I got to do the thing where one chick sits on your dick, and another sits on your face, and they make out and suck each others tits all the while. And we did that with the girls in both positions. And doggy style with the girl I was fucking eating out the girl in front of her, what a view… I know it doesn’t sound real. But I know it was.
9. seno76
When I was 17 I got head from two drunk 15 year old girls at the same time.
10. aboogala
One time, a cute guy I’d met a few days before (Who turned out to be my immediate neighbor) that I’d hooked up with a few times texted me asking if I’ve ever wanted to hook up with a girl. I really liked him, so I admitted that I have. He said another girl he’s been hooking up with (We were both hooking up with multiple people, college freshman year) wants to try kissing me. So, I come over with two of my other girlfriends to make his night. We go through an entire drawer of liquor in one night, and throughout the night me and him both fingered the same girl at the same time together, and he ended up on a bed with us taking turns sucking/jacking him off and he was guessing who it was. But it kind of sucked because all four of us couldn’t fit on the bed at the same time.
11. nucksfan89
Coworker ate me out in his office at work one time. Fun was had.
12. IAMA_Myself_AMA
Oh, another story. I used to work in a large chain restaurant, as a training manager. I had my own office in the back of the kitchen, while the other managers shared an office in the front of the kitchen. Because my office was routinely used for training and test taking (to advance for raises), it had blinds and a lock to limit distractions. One of the Mexican dishwashers I had trained came in and kissed me, then gave me a blowjob, for no reason.. Unfortunately, she was terrible at it and I never finished because it would have taken literally forever. And I got nervous. But, I took her home and we had sex at my apartment instead. Ugh, then she told me she was married, but her family was still in Mexico. That was when I stopped talking to her.
13. Wombo92
Girl asks me if she can borrow my vacuum. She comes over and long story short we fuck
14. Closed0perations
I met this very, very attractive petite half-Filipino girl last year at a bar and she made it pretty clear she wanted me to invite her over to my place, so I did. Turns out she was a history major at the college I graduated from a few years ago. So we decided to smoke up and she picked a World War II movie for us to lay on my bed and watch. So pretty much this was like a stereotypical fantasy that for some reason was coming true. A little bit into the movie she crawled onto my back (we were both laying on our stomachs) and she started kissing my neck and gently scratching her fingernails on my back. Then she started grabbing at my ass and pulling my jeans down and sliding her finger between my ass crack. Keep in mind I’m very stoned at this point so it’s a very, very surreal experience and I was getting really nervous-excited about what was going to happen next. By now she had pulled my pants all the way down and started licking my ass cheeks and rubbing my asshole. Then she started to try to lick my ass but couldn’t reach because of how I was laying, she asked me if I was ok with getting on my knees for her. So uhh…I did. And I got what would have been an awesome rimjob from this chick, except I was so anxious about what was going in the whole time I couldn’t get hard. And then she started fingering my ass. Not violently or anything, but that was a new experience for me. Only saw her a few times after that and it never progressed to the level the first night did…then I guess she got tired of me and moved on.
15. Time_Tester
Last summer I was late night swimming in a lake with my sisters friend and my sister (not skinny dipping..freaks). Once we had got out and in the house, my sisters friend showed my sister to a guest bathroom to have a shower to warm up. I chilled in her friends room while she went for a shower. Now at this point I was sobering up but was still feeling pretty confident, sitting naked in a towel on her bed while she was round the corner in her on suite shower. While maintaining conversation with her I asked out of the blue if I could join her. I used some cheesy bullshit porno line about ‘saving water’ and she replied ‘no’, but her voice made it pretty clear she was up for it like some awfully bad acting. So I got up from the bed and walked into the bathroom where she was showering. As I walked I just dropped the towel and in my mind I heard that 80’s porno music as I walked into the shower with her. Without either of us saying another word, she lifted her leg up so her heel was above my shoulder and we were banging solidly in the shower against the wall.
16. iFrattyPattyi
In college, living in a house with roomates, my roomate tries to hook up with this girls friend, in order to do so he bring both her and her friend home with him from the bars. I was already home from the bars, so when my roomatte tries to hook up with friend the girl came to my room, we had hooked up once before a year prior. She walks in closes my door and asks “have you ever read 50 shades of gray?” (This was right when this book was still causing puddles at barnes and nobles) I say “no” and she goes “Well we are about toi reinact it” Sexytime ensues with her wanting to be tied to the head board, spanked, generally just really rough sex. It was some of the best I’ve ever had and wasnt planned at all, felt like i was in a porn video, went from netflix to sex in 1 min flat
17. sethro919
Let’s see… I went to my fuck buddy’s house because she had a surprise for me, which turned out to be she wanted anal. We do the deed then we go and take a shower. That isn’t even the porn part.
She turns the shower on and the bathroom starts to get hot and steamy. We start making out again and pretty aoon I’m rock hard. I bend her over the sink and start going at it again. After a couple minutes of minutes she reaches up and wipes the fog off the mirror so she can watch. I came quickly after that, and to this day it remains the sexiest thing a girl has ever done.
18. Quibley
Moved into a new house and there was a Kiwi girl staying there who was friends with the guy moving out. Two nights after staying there we have a little gathering at the house which this French dude comes over to. Fast forward a few hours and we have a few drinks and there is only the three of us awake and I am making out with the girl and the guy kept interfering, or if I would leave the room he would somehow be talking about an inch away from her face. Anyways tired of competing, I just said “I want to watch you two make out.” He was obliging and before long we were in the backyard anyways, I start getting head from the girl, while he was lying back and fingering her. Before long I motion to swap around with the guy and as I begin to have sex with her I notice him being a little apprehensive or unsure. She unzips him and then he proceeds to pull out the largest dick I have ever seen. As I am currently mid thrust I stop right there and go “whoa, that is a big dick.” He looks up at me and says in his French accent: “I know, it is a problem.” First world problem if I had ever heard one. Before long it becomes apparent that this is a real problem, this girl is all of about five foot zip and she cannot take this dude in either mouth or vagina for anything more than a minute. So he leaves us in the backyard and I felt genuinely bad for him because that would have been such a letdown. Not a minute later he comes out still naked with a guitar, strumming flamenco tunes, the girl and I laugh and as we continue he begins to build rhythm to us having sex and vice-versa, this is some serious shit – after about 5 minutes he begins to lead and he builds up to this amazing crescendo in which its peak has me delivering the money shot. It seriously made me cum and in this moment I find myself staring directly into the eyes of this French man, who is nodding back at me with approval. He stops playing, walks back into the house and puts pants back on. I am left out the back with this girl and we both agreed that was perhaps the most interesting sex we would ever have.