You Will Never Experience The Same Love Twice (And That’s Okay)


Losing the first person you ever felt a true connection with is one of the most difficult things you will ever experience. You finally found someone who just gets you, and now all you are left with is a broken heart and an endless stream of questions about how it could have gotten to this point. You are left wondering why, and no answer will ever seem good enough. You sit and wish for things to get better and for this love to come back to you. Your friends and family try to console you and assure you that one day, this type of love will find you again.

But whenever they tell you that you will find this love again know that actually, you will not.

It is not that you will never love again because you will. You will meet someone else and maybe there will be more beyond them, and you will love them so deeply, but it will never be what you had before.

The love you shared with someone you no longer have is a unique love that only you two will have ever known.

You are not the person who loved in the past, you are loving now in the present, and you can never repeat the same love. Even if you end up back in the arms of your greatest love, you both will have changed since the last moment you shared together, so this new love will be different. We cannot and will not stay the same, so it only makes sense that our love will grow and change along with us.

Yes, they may have been your greatest love thus far, your favorite love even, but there will be more beyond them. It will never be how it was, but that is okay.

Living in the past inhibits us from truly enjoying our present, so embrace the new love as it finds you instead of wishing for the love you once had. It served you, it changed you, and now it is time to move on and discover what else life has in store for you.

When you two ended, it was not the end of the beautiful love story of your life; it was just time to turn the page.