This Is The Love I Hope You Find (Because You Deserve It)
I hope you find someone who never makes you worry and loves you with all their heart and wants the best for you and will make sacrifices for you and never forgets the little things and always kisses you goodnight.
Becca Martin

I hope you find someone who makes you laugh even when you have tears streaming down your face. I hope you find someone who reminds you how beautiful you are even when you don’t feel attractive. I hope you find someone who will sit by your side in the car and listen to your new favorite song on repeat and will sing along with you at the top of their lungs. I hope you find someone who will sit down and eat breakfast with you every morning before you both start the day. I hope you find someone who knows your favorite song when you’re sad and when you’re happy and when you want to get pumped up. I hope you find someone who never stops surprising you in the best way possible. I hope you find someone who laughs at your jokes even when they’re not funny. I hope you find someone who will still randomly use pickup lines on you when you’re out at the bar together to make you laugh. I hope you find someone who knows exactly what you like in bed. I hope you find someone who knows your favorite hangover cure. I hope you find someone who compliments you in a way that makes you a better person. I hope you find someone who looks at you everyday with so much love in their eyes. I hope you find someone who you can genuinely tell wants to be with you, not in a way that they’re content and comfortable with your relationship, but someone who really loves you and genuinely misses you when you’re apart. I hope you find someone who doesn’t make you question their love for you. I hope you find someone who buys you flowers just because. I hope you find someone who is honest. I hope you find someone who has the same soul as you and who compliments your weirdness perfectly. I hope you find someone who loves adventures, or movies, or concerts, or staying home as much as you do. I hope you find someone who never makes you worry and loves you with all their heart and wants the best for you and will make sacrifices for you and never forgets the little things and always kisses you goodnight. I really, really hope you find that because everyone deserves that. Everyone deserves to be everything to one person. Don’t settle for less because you deserve all of it and I hope you find it.