If You See Him, Please Tell Him I’m Doing Just Fine


If you see him tell him I don’t think of him, tell him I’m doing just fine without him. If you see him tell him you haven’t heard me talk about him or tell you I miss him. If you see him don’t tell him I always ask you how he’s doing. If you see him tell him I’m not lonely.

But if you see him, make sure you bring me up.

If you see him tell him I finally found a job I love, the kind of job that allows me freedom, just like he knew I always wanted. If you see him tell him I actually pursued my dreams of traveling and that I’m currently living on the other side of the world. If you see him, tell him leaving our hometown was the best thing I ever did for myself and I wish he could see that, too.

If you see him don’t tell him how I miss his big brown eyes and scruffy beard. If you see him don’t tell him how I wish I could sit in his Jeep next to him one more time and talk like we knew it wasn’t going to be the last time. If you see him don’t tell him I’ve still got a picture of us on the side of my fridge. I don’t look at it often, but it comforts me to know that it’s there. If you see him don’t tell him I’m still strung out over him. If you see him don’t tell him I still shed a few tears every now and again.

If you see him don’t tell him I’m still hanging on.

If you see him don’t tell him I still have a box in my room at my parent’s house with all his old stuff in it. If you see him don’t tell him I still have his shirt and even though I’ve cleaned my room out a hundred times it still somehow always manages to miss the Salvation Army pile and ends up back in my drawer. If you see him don’t tell him I still think of him when I hear a few songs come on my country radio.

If you see him, tell him I don’t miss him.

If you see him don’t tell him I’m barely getting by without him. If you see him don’t tell him I’ve gone crazy. If you see him don’t tell him I wish he was still by my side. If you see him don’t tell him I’ve been trying to find someone who loves me half as much as he did.

If you see him don’t tell him all the truth.

If you see him just tell him I hope he’s doing just fine. And if you see him, tell him I think about him from time to time.