You Should Know You Are Capable Of Being Loved


You should know I found out how you suffered, and my heart broke for you.
You should know although you may have had a shitty past, you can leave it behind you.
You should know you are allowed to have feelings.
You should know you are allowed to feel heartbroken.
You should know you can be happy.
You should know you can be you without being judged.
You should know even though you act so cold, I still think you are a good person.
You should know the walls around your heart look unbreakable, but I’m willing to try.
You should know you are the first person I ever liked.
You should know I have tried my best to get over you, since it’s not meant to be.
You should know that I have not.
You should know your smile lights up my day.
You should know just seeing you walk past makes my heart beat faster.
You should know by making eye contact with you, I blush so hard I turn as red as the blood that runs through my veins.
You should know that being in the same room as you is so conflicting for me.
You should know I have been crushed with disappointment so many times by you.
You should know that I remember every single conversation we ever had.
You should know I fully regret not going that night, because things might have been different.
You should know after I’ve said all this, that I’m in love with you.
But most importantly,
You should know you are capable of being loved.