14 Easy Things You Can Do For A Better Day


1. Don’t sleep with your phone right next to you. Instead, plug it in across the room so that when your alarm goes off, pressing snooze requires you to ACTUALLY get up. You’re more likely to just get your day started if something is forcing you out of bed.

2. Make this song by Aaradhna your alarm.


3. Meditate for 10 minutes (or more). And when I say meditate, I mean find the thing that works for you. Maybe it’s an actual guided meditation. Or you’re just taking a brief moment to check in with yourself. How are you feeling? Is anything bothering you? Why is that? It’s hard to make changes if you aren’t first self-aware.

4. EAT BREAKFAST. HOW MANY TIMES DO WE HAVE TO TELL PEOPLE THIS?? EAT. BREAKFAST. EAT. BREAKFAST. I don’t care if you don’t have time! MAKE TIME. It’s like getting in your car with no gas and expecting it to run smoothly.

5. Make a list of the things you’re appreciative for. Repeat them out loud when you’re feeling stressed.

6. Make a playlist of songs that inspire you. Try to carve out some time to listen to them. And don’t just let it be background noise, actually listen.

7. Check in with a friend you haven’t spoken to in a while. Even if it’s just a quick “hey! thinking about you today” text – reach out to someone you’ve lost touch with. You never know what could come out of it.

8. Listen to your body. If you need a nap, damn, take a nap! Don’t beat yourself up over needing certain things. Feeling like you need to cry? Cry. There’s nothing wrong with acknowledging our emotional and physical needs.

9. GO SOMEWHERE WITHOUT ANY ELECTRONIC DEVICE. SERIOUSLY. You’ll also realize how dependent you might be on something like your cell phone.

10. Vision boards can be cool and I’m all about vocalizing the things you’re interested in and setting intentions. But there’s something to be said about remembering the things you HAVE accomplished. Maybe create a “Things I’m Proud Of” board too.

11. Host a solo dance party. It’s simple: you only have one person to invite.

12. Genuinely compliment someone else. Tell someone you love something you’ve never told them. Say, “I really like your shoes!” to the stranger on the street. Just don’t tell them to smile, okay?

13. Practice self-love. (You can interpret this as physically if you want…wink wink)

14. If everything feels like total shit, take a few deep breaths. Remember that tomorrow is a new day with new opportunities.

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