37 Anonymous Confessions From People On The Internet That Will Make You Gasp

34. DarkJokernj

I won’t truly go deep in the story, but lets just say I got scammed by some bum in my city and now I have no bank account, my mother (once again) disappointed in me, and also Im pretty sure got pegged a few levels few levels down the”adult scale”. (Im a 19M and im treated like a little kid…I know, this situation didn’t help).

I accepted what I done, and I feel like shit…but I feel 2% optimistic…but the thing is…

I’m fucking terrified…

I’m terrified that when I walk in the ghetto, I’m gonna fucking get jumped, shot, or murdered; every time my phone vibrates,I fear it’s her calling me…calling me telling me how she’s going to do something to me…my mom wants me to go to the police and I will, but im scared I’ll see her…if I see her, Idk what I’m gonna do…or what’s gonna happen…

I play it off like I’m fine, but im pretty paranoid as fuck right now…I can’t even be in a room by myself because I believe someones gonna come in and murder me…

I’m just hoping I survive my own neighborhood until school starts again, where I’ll be safe amongst friends….

But right now; I wanna sleep..but I’m so scared of tomorrow…Fuck man…JUST FUCK!

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