This Is Your Reminder That You Are Perfectly Okay Just As You Are


Every day, you face your “woke up like this” image in front of the mirror. Messy hair, growing eye bags and pale lips come together to say “Good morning, beautiful.” Then, you’ll think about the pile of deadlines, the stack in your laundry, what to feed your cat or even what to eat for breakfast. Not all days are too busy and too good. Not all times are happy hours. But one thing’s for sure: you are doing just fine.

You are perfectly okay even if your hair doesn’t always go its way. You look amazing, with or without makeup. The wrinkles that show with your smile are symbol of authenticity. Your stretch marks and split ends are works of art. Do not dwell with what the society tells you to look like. Your face is a masterpiece. You are a canvas with your vibrant colors.

You are perfectly okay even if your clothes get tighter each week. You are not defined by the number that appears on the scale. Your curves and edges are your assets. Even if your thighs rub together, you can always slay the world’s runway. You can always stand proud at the center stage. You may lose your baby fats and replace them with beer bellies. But darling, you will always be the brightest star. You will never be a burden because you will always be the light in everyone’s darkness.

You are perfectly okay even if you’re not doing the “dream job.” You are perfectly okay even if you’re a late bloomer. Don’t let other people rush your roads. Don’t let them pressure you with their timelines. You are a work-in-progress. Always remember that with a determined heart, you will go places. The destinations may be blurry at this point but you still need to keep going. You have all the time to discover the infinite possibilities. You have all the chance to explore your craft. In God’s perfect timing, you will come out of your shell. The constellations will guide you home. You are on the right track. Soon enough, you will get there.

You are perfectly okay even if you’re single. You are a strong and an independent human being. You don’t need a better half because you are always whole. Your relationship status is not the constant reassurance that you need. You ought to have the contentment of being an individual. You need to be fulfilled with what surrounds you. When you feel complete, all by yourself, you can fruitfully love when the right person comes along. Being single doesn’t mean that you’re alone. Take a look around you. See everyone who sees you. You are loved. You are appreciated.

You are perfectly okay even if you don’t have a lot of friends. Your Facebook “friends” list will never be accurate. In this haven full of chaos, the true ones will always remain. You will always have your go-to or one-call-away people. They are those who are for keeps. They are those who are worthy of your time. They are those who deserve the best companionship that you can offer. You will meet the most genuine allies, even at the toughest situations. All you have to do is to treasure them, wholeheartedly.

You are perfectly okay even if you’re different. The universe created you for a reason. You exist for a purpose. You are not just breathing, you are living. You are your own sunshine and you better keep on shining. You don’t need to meet any kind of social norms or standards. Every atom inside your body, every molecule in your system or even your DNA strand makes you unique. Staying true, without the need of anyone’s approval, means everything. You are your own comfort zone. You are your own safe place. You own yourself.

This will remind you of how awesome you are. You don’t have to change just for the benefit of others. You don’t need to please everyone. You don’t need to question your worth. You have every right to love yourself, freely. You are perfectly fine with all the bits and pieces that form you. You are perfectly blessed with your life. You are perfectly okay just as you are.