This Is Why You Should Never Settle For An Almost Relationship


You’ll get tired of waiting to see where things would go, constantly waiting for that person to make a move, wondering if he or she is really into you or not, get jealous even if you’re not supposed to, etc. Save yourself from the stress and just wait for the one who shows serious interest in you.

We’ve all been there. Talking to and hanging out with a lot of potential partners for quite some time, checking out who will be the one who we would click most with, trying to open up and see if they will accept us for who we truly are. But at the end of the day, that person still isn’t the right one for you.

There will be a time at some point that we feel that want to love and to be loved. It’s alright to acknowledge this feeling.

It’s easy to say that you could just start from scratch once an almost relationship ends. It’s easy to say, but hard to do. Being trapped in this aspect makes you settle for less than what you deserve.

Make sure that you have your own world. You shouldn’t make a person your world because he or she should only be a part of it. Don’t make it a hobby that you never run out of people to date. Ensure that you will be whole first so that you won’t feel the need for another person to complete you.

Never ever chase someone who obviously isn’t interested in you. Whenever someone would be cold and distant to you without you understanding why, it just goes to show that the feeling isn’t mutual. You don’t need to decode it anymore. Don’t ever think that something is wrong with you. It simply means that you two just don’t click.

Don’t give someone relationship type of benefits just because you are afraid that they will leave you if you don’t. Always remember to keep yourself reserved and that it is their loss; not yours.

Almost relationships may seem normal in this modern world of dating. Being an old soul when it comes to dating will still be more worth it than ever. You don’t need to play games with someone. Trying to play the dating game and being ahead of the game is just a sign of lacking authenticity.

Be genuine and always make sure that you speak out what’s on your mind. In the end honesty will always be the best dating advice and never give someone the power to rule over you. You should ensure first that you are emotionally stable before dating someone or else you will lose the power of logic and get hurt.