Date Someone Who Always Keeps Their Promises


There will be a time in your life when you will meet someone who will always keep their promises, and you will trust them with all your heart without being scared. You will date the type of person who is genuine and caring, and they will treat your heart and your soul the way they care for their own.

Many times in your life you have dated people who have told you stories and fed you dreams that never came true. In the past, you have dated those who promised you a life filled with happiness and love, but they didn’t keep their word.

You have dated people because you believed in the goodness of humans and hoped for the best. You have dated people where you loved their good qualities and ignored their flaws because you know people aren’t perfect.

There have been times in your life when you have wondered if there is something wrong with you because you keep falling in love and wondering what you could do differently. The truth is that there is nothing wrong with you.

You have dated people who have broken your heart and not valued the worth of the words they told you. Perhaps they had their reasons, but they were never excuses, and deep within, you always knew the truth.

There will be a day in your life when you will meet someone who will promise you loyalty and a life filled with love, and all the heartbreaks of your life will finally make sense as to why they never worked out in the past. Dating this person will be easy.

You have dated people who treated love like a game where they wanted to win. It is sad when people treat others like they are disposable because no human ever deserves that.

You have dated people who have broken your heart and apologized without meaning a word of it. They tend to come in and out of your life as they please while breaking you more and more every time.

You have dated people who needed someone to do activities with or show off on social media. They never understood that for them, it was a hobby, but for you, your heart was on the line.

There will be a time when you will date someone who will mean every word they say, and they will stare into your eyes more than they look at the screen of their phone. They will hold your hand more tightly than they hold on to their phone.

There will be a moment in your life when you will meet someone, and your life will change. They will call you when they say they will, and they meet you where they say they will. That will be the time when you are dating someone who always keeps their promises because they will never make you wait for a text.

There will be that day in your life when you will date someone who will be there for all the great, fun parts of the relationship and promise to work with you during the not-so-fun parts of the relationship, and they will actually do it.

One day you will date someone who promises you a magical connection, as well as the time and energy to get to know you and love you for who you are. It is important to date someone who can handle your baggage and understand that it is your responsibility to handle theirs too.

You are waiting for the day when you will date someone who promises you commitment and the joys of a real relationship accompanied by beautiful love. It is only a matter of time till you date someone who values commitment over fun because they are actually interested in making a worthwhile connection that takes work.

You want to date a grown-up and not an immature adult.

There will be a time when you will date someone who is not scared to be vulnerable and who can risk getting hurt because that is a part of life. Date someone who says they are looking for love and not those who run away the moment things get serious because “it’s moving too fast.”

Date someone who is honest and tells you the truth. Date someone who makes these promises. Date someone who always keeps their promises.