Saying ‘I’d Rather Die’ Is Completely Inexcusable


People say “I’d rather die” all the time like it’s no big deal. In conversation it means little more than “that sucks.”

“You live in Minnesota where it’s cold all the time? Oh my gosh, I’d rather die.”

Haha, funny. Except for the fact that it’s not. Saying that you would rather die implies that your life is basically valueless and that a “first world problem” like living somewhere cold would tip it over the edge, making your life literally unworthy of living. Really? Is that what you think?

Much like the word “retard” morphed into an insult despite its literal meaning, the phrase “I’d rather die” has turned into a casual comment that not only belittles one’s self but can be an insult to those around them. Calling someone “retarded” when they are simply acting silly is uncalled for, out of context, and insulting to a group of people who have myriad medical conditions. Saying you’d rather die is equally terrible in that you are simultaneously insulting yourself and a group of people with a different type of medical condition: depression.

Depression can be a debilitating illness. Each day people fight the urge to kill themselves even though some of them would LITERALLY rather die. For some, life can become so unbearable that a person wishes they would stop living. And yet, so many people live with depression; they choose to live even when death seems like a viable way to become happier or lessen the pain.

An inconvenience in your life is not a reason to want to die. A hypothetical inconvenience that sounds bad because it might make your life a little less fun is an even more ludicrous reason to want that.

The next time you hear someone say something that doesn’t sound perfect to you, please use the words that you really mean: “I’m glad that isn’t happening to me,” or “I’m really sorry.”

“You’re a vegetarian? I’d rather die than give up meat.”

Because really, your life is worth more than chicken fingers.