I’m Not The Girl You Date


I’m the girl you meet and think “Oh, she’s really cool. I might like to date her.” And then we go on a few dates, and you’ll think “Well…she’s still really cool. But I don’t want to date her.”

I’m the girl you meet only months after breaking up with your ex, the girl you’ll think is perfect to prove that you’ve won the breakup. But I’ll also be the girl that makes you realize that she had qualities not every girl has. And you’ll go back to her.

That is, unless, you find someone else during the time that we’re “talking,” or “dating,” or whatever it is you want to call it these days. Because I can also be the girl that reminds you there are girls out there that are cooler than your ex. But I won’t be the one you end up with, oh no. That would be too easy. I’ll be the bridge, the stepping stone, between your ex and the girl that I can guarantee you will develop a serious relationship with, because that’s what always happens.

I’m the girl you need, but not the one you want. I’m the girl who will show you someone who cares deeply about you. I’m the girl who you’ll want to have hanging out with your bros and the kind of girl you’ll want to introduce to your family, but you won’t. I’m the girl who reminds you of the carefree life outside of a relationship. I’m the girl who will eventually remind you of why you wanted to settle down.

But I’m not the one you date. I’m the one that helps you realize what you want, and then you’ll leave me to find it. But despite what you may think, I’m not bitter about being that girl for you. Because someday, someone will be that guy for me.