Different Measures Of Success


There is never a right or wrong time to set your goals. Goals should always be thought of, tweaked, attempted, and rewritten. You may find instant ease in your goals when attempting them or you may find that you need more time to reach them.

I think the best time to reflect on your goals is in the evening before you lay down for sleep. During this time you can relax your body and think about how you can better yourself for tomorrow. These positive thoughts will help make you eager to wake up in the morning ready to attack each hurdle. You will be able to rest easier knowing that tomorrow is a new day and a new beginning. Perhaps you didn’t have the best run today or perhaps you felt very slow and defeated. Going over your goals will help make you stronger because you will be aware that you are only human. Not every athlete can compete or train at their 100% every single day. It is physically impossible. You have to remember that you can only give the best of you in that moment. As long as you give your best and do not give in, then you should smile because you pushed past weakness and have found success.

Now, you may measure success in various ways such as hitting negative splits or running the fastest 5 miles of your life, but you have to realize that each day you are out there, that you are growing stronger. You are pushing your body to reach some type of success. Either you dropped 1 minute off your daily 6 mile morning run or you didn’t give up when you decided to run in that blazing heat. Perhaps you decided to venture into below 20 degree weather just to get 3 miles in or you decided to run a few miles at 6 AM before you start work at 8:30 in the morning. Every day you are out there, you are successful. Keep your head up, heart open, and your passions in your head.

Reflect upon the success you found today and the greatness you will receive from it for tomorrow. You will be able to rest easy knowing that you are one step closer to your goals. When you wake up the next morning, you will be fired up with passion to push yourself even further and find a different variation of success. Use your head, hope, and heart and you will never fail.

Reflect. Rest. Recover. Remember. React. Regrow. Reveal. REPEAT.