10 Things You Learn After Being Dumped And Fired In A New City


1. Listen to your mom. Listen to your friends. Then listen to your gut. It will know whether you agree or disagree with what you’re listening to.

2. Know that any advice, judgment or criticism you receive is a reflection of the individual perceptions and reality of the person giving it to you.  Take it with a grain of salt.

3. Every heartbreak, disappointment or failure is shaping the best version of your future self. Learn from it and regret nothing.

4. Keep moving forward.

5. If you find yourself in a “sort-of-something” situation with someone, remember: it never means as much as you think it does.

Example 1: “Oh, he liked my profile picture…he definitely wants to make this something real.”

Example 2: “Oh, he liked her profile picture…that lying bastard must be hooking up with her too.”

Disclaimer: It could mean either of these things. We live in a digital world, which both facilitates communication, while also misconstruing and stifling true intentions. The only way to find out is to use your words and ask in person. Do not attack. Do not be afraid of the answer. Just. Ask. Then listen to your gut and keep it moving (with or without this person).

6. Don’t check snapchat best friends. Just don’t do it.

7. At your first job, you will painfully realize how your BA in Political Science did not prepare you for life as an executive assistant. Google will become your best friend. (Read: “How to do a mail merge in Word”)

8. Growth is uncomfortable. Lean into it.

9. Read things you disagree with. Watch videos that make you angry. Then resolve to make things better.

10. Keep your heart open.