It’s Okay To Feel Broken


Brokenness is a heavy word. We see it and hear it—it’s so hard to not put walls up and protect every ounce of our being because of its side effects. Because at the end of the day, that’s what we’re all afraid of, isn’t it? We fear being broken all over again. We fear not being wanted the way we desire to feel wanted. We fear that the love, vulnerability, commitment, and trust we are willing to give and deserve to feel won’t be reciprocated. At the end of the day, brokenness is the enemy we face. It’s what holds us back. It’s the uncertainty that prevents us from moving forward.

If there’s anything that I’ve learned, it’s that we have no control over how our personal stories and timelines unfold. Each of us was put on this earth to fulfill a purpose and live out our own unique, extraordinary journey. What so many of us fail to realize is that it’s not about one person. It’s not about one thing. It’s not about settling. It’s not about being the best. It’s not about having it together all of the time.

It’s about finding ourselves a little more every day—it’s about surviving, failing, hitting our breaking point, and pushing our limits until we finally believe in ourselves all over again. It’s about finding joy in the little things. It’s about trusting our heart, leaning on our voice of reason, committing to put our self-worth first. It’s about having faith that there is a greater reason for our brokenness.

It’s about realizing that it’s okay to be broken. It’s okay to feel broken because it’s our brokenness that will transform our purpose into something monumental. It’s our brokenness that ironically puts us back together.

We are made of so much more than our yesterdays, our doubts, our insecurities, our fears, our brokenness.

We are extraordinary, we are healing, we are learning, we are growing, And sometimes, we just have to take a step back and let our brokenness take the reigns. Sometimes, we just have to believe in our brokenness, to have faith that it has the potential to be the one thing in our world that puts us back together as a stronger, more whole version of ourselves.

Because sometimes, it truly is our brokenness that will push us to move mountains.