This Is What It’s Like When You’re The Rebound Girl (And Don’t Even Realize It)


I thought I rescued you from the pit of hate and sadness you were in when she left you, but it turns out, I became a temporary fix that you thought you needed to be better.

I was at a point of my life where I thought that destroying myself was the only way to feel better, but when I met you again, you showed me that there was more to life than parties and “having fun.” Being with you made me think that I did something great to be able to be with someone like you. You made me so happy and content despite everything that happened to me in the past. I thought I was finally being blessed with the love I thought deserved, but it was all short lived.

I’d like to think I gave you everything: my time, my undivided attention, and most of all, my love. I thought that was it, I thought that that would be the only things that would make a relationship last, but I was wrong. I forgot one thing, and that one thing was her.

I forgot that the girl who broke your heart was also the girl who made you feel loved for the first time. I forgot that the girl who made you go bat-shit crazy was also the girl who made you feel crazy in love. I forgot that the girl who made you feel like shit was also the girl who made you feel like you had someone back you up for the first time in a long time. I forgot that she was your first love, and that you were with her for the longest time.

Who am I compared to her, right? Who am I to tell you that I love you until this day? Who am I to tell you that I figured out that you still loved her when we were beside each other in the car that day we broke up? Who am I to tell you that I will always be here for you no matter what happens because I don’t ever want to break you the way she did? Who am I to tell you these things when you’re obviously still in love with her and totally forgot about me?

I honestly thought I was someone to you, but I guess I am not.