Why We Value Something The Most When It’s Gone


I have noticed this around me. Things get more exciting when there’s a risk. The value of anything appreciates when there is a possibility for it to not exist. We miss people more when they are gone. We see what we used to have when they are left in the past.

It’s the painful truth of nature and biology.

We start to care about the environment when Mother Earth is at the verge of depletion.
We study hard for an exam when we’re threatened to fail.
We give our all to our lovers when they are about to exit the door.
We recall all the good things a person has done when he’s on his deathbed.
We become fine-tuned, eager and perfect machines when we’re about to lose – with adrenaline we can’t control.

It’s not because we consciously take things for granted.

We do this unintentionally because of the comfort of their continuous existence.
The uncertainty of time has made us fools into believing that we, and everything around us are infinite – like a pretense we know of, but ignore.

My best friend brought this thought upon me. And I commend her for being a person of few words and deep thoughts.

She is right… and so is Achilles on his greatness and mortality:

“The Gods envy us. They envy us because we’re mortal, because any moment might be our last. Everything is more beautiful because we’re doomed. You will never be lovelier than you are now. We will never be here again.”

There is grave meaning when you have to make the most of it. It’s lovely, beautiful, magical and memorable when you know you have a chance to make it right or at least amazing one last time.

In the end though, the pain and regret come. Because despite the seemingly eternal glory of basking in to this astounding beauty, we let it end.