26 Awesomely Terrifying Horror Movies You’ve Probably Never Seen

Masters of Horror
Masters of Horror

About six years ago, I was sitting in the house I shared with three (messy) dudes wallowing in a post-college-graduation funk. The three messy dudes were out for the day and I was alone, which meant I had free reign of the television — something that NEVER happened. I turned on Netflix instant streaming (which was fairly new at the time) and decided to look for the one thing my roommates would never want to watch with me: horror movies.

What I found in the scant selection Netflix offered in 2009 was the often-ignored Showtime gem of a series: Masters of Horror. These hour-long films first aired in 2005 but if you didn’t have premium cable chances are you missed them. Directed and written by some of the greats in the genre, Masters of Horror has become an October tradition of mine. You can watch both seasons on Hulu, and after I blew through them in less than a week I thought I’d share them with you!

“Incident On and Off a Mountain Road”

Masters of Horror
Masters of Horror

A fun slasher thriller featuring post-“Can’t Hardly Wait” Ethan Embry!

“H. P. Lovecraft’s Dreams in the Witch-House”

Masters of Horror
Masters of Horror

All I have to say about this one is RAT WITH A HUMAN FACE.

“Dance of the Dead”

Masters of Horror
Masters of Horror

Post-apocalyptic punk rock fun plus a non-Freddy Krueger Robert Englund MC!


Masters of Horror
Masters of Horror

My personal favorite where Steven Weber (who wrote the teleplay) suspiciously gets to touch a model’s boobs a real lot.


Masters of Horror
Masters of Horror

A recently divorced man starts experiencing senses via a strange, unknown lady who likes chocolate (so, like, any of us).


Masters of Horror
Masters of Horror

You can TASTE how salty these filmmakers were in 2005 with Bush in office because ZOMBIE SOLDIERS WHO WANT THEIR RIGHT TO VOTE!

“Deer Woman”

Masters of Horror
Masters of Horror

Probably the funniest one on the list from comedy filmmaker John Landis, featuring an A+ set of boobs.

“Cigarette Burns”

Masters of Horror
Masters of Horror

Spooky cinematic mystery with a clean-cut babyface Norman Reedus (who doesn’t mumble for once)!

“Fair Haired Child”

Masters of Horror
Masters of Horror

A girl gets kidnapped by the paranoid schizophrenic from Orange Is The New Black and has a terrible time in the basement.

“Sick Girl”

Masters of Horror
Masters of Horror

Lesbian love triangle between Angela Bettis, a former soft-core porn actress, and a bug (I’m not kidding).

“Pick Me Up”

Masters of Horror
Masters of Horror

Fairuza Balk gets chased by a truck-driving serial killer and hitchhiking serial killer in the worst road trip ever.

“Haeckel’s Tale”

Masters of Horror
Masters of Horror

Two words: undead orgy.


Masters of Horror
Masters of Horror

SERIOUS WARNING: this one was originally banned from television and is chock-full of EXTREMELY gruesome violence — I couldn’t make it through more than once.

“The Damned Thing”

Masters of Horror
Masters of Horror

Something sinister haunts a man and his family in this distinctively True Detective-esque story.


Masters of Horror
Masters of Horror

Easily my second favorite, another darkly funny one from John Landis and also featuring NORM!

“The V Word”

Masters of Horror
Masters of Horror

Sort of like Twilight but with bros.

“Sounds Like”

Masters of Horror
Masters of Horror

This dude can hear super good and it TOTALLY SUCKS.


Masters of Horror
Masters of Horror

Ron Perlman-dad really hates abortion which in this case isn’t a great idea because the Devil is involved.


Masters of Horror
Masters of Horror


“The Screwfly Solution”

Masters of Horror
Masters of Horror

If MRA, Ted Bundy, and ebola had a baby, this is what would happen.

“Valerie on the Stairs”

Masters of Horror
Masters of Horror

Seth Green’s wife’s boobs and also Christopher Lloyd is there.

“Right to Die”

Masters of Horror
Masters of Horror

Hell hath no fury like a horrifically-burnt-on-the-brink-of-death-with-murder-powers-wife scorned.

“We All Scream for Ice Cream”

Masters of Horror
Masters of Horror

Sort of like IT but if Stephen King wasn’t trying very hard.

“The Black Cat”

Masters of Horror
Masters of Horror

I’m still not sure what happened in this one but Edgar Allan Poe is CRAZY.

“The Washingtonians”

Masters of Horror
Masters of Horror

I don’t want to give away the twist to this one but honestly it’s just silly as fuck.

“Dream Cruise”

Masters of Horror
Masters of Horror

Pretty solid Japanese horror about ghosts who are never going to forgive and that’s bad because they go all Grudge-style with their hair in their eyes and crawly limbs. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

Horror writer for Creepy Catalog, ESFP, Kylo Ren advocate, Slytherin, sassbasket.

Keep up with M.J. on Instagram, Twitter and Website

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