42 Struggles Only People With ADHD Will Understand

While some individuals with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) may find it difficult focusing at all, others are super focused on the task at hand and cannot just let it go until it is completely done. People with ADHD often share certain positive features than the average person such as being more creative, greater problem solving ability, sense of humor, notorious resilience and adaptability as well as enhanced intuition. But despite these, that have some challenges that they face…


1. Nothing on earth is interesting enough to keep your attention over the sound of loud shoes click clacking against the floor.

2. You know the easiest way to clean a room is to throw everything away.

3. As soon as you let me know you got adult ADHD, you get to hear a half-hour tale on how they also have someone with ADHD but are not diagnosed and how they do all the same things and they totally relate.

4. Whenever anyone tells you that, you just lack discipline.

5. You get highway hypnosis from reading long books.

6. When you have to work in any open space that is not the quietest, emptiest, most boring library ever.

7. The one time you found your purse in the fridge.

8. Every time, there is something that keeps getting you… missing the little details.

9. You keep 23 windows open on your computer.

10. Everything gets started but nothing is usually done.

11. Keeping track of a conversation with Venn diagrams, because you are not only two sentences in and tour brain is already flooded.

12. You spend a lot of time wondering when the time will be right to get to the bathroom again, just so you just get that opportunity to move about.

13. You wake up at 7 a.m., but you are not really awake until three hours later, when the stimulant medication and maybe some ill-advised caffeine kick in.

14. Everything is a distraction. Especially flashing lights on computers, phones, monitors and screens.

15. It is super easy to procrastinate in the face of anything.

16. You are inclined to be disinterested in things you were very interested in seconds ago.

17. Have a short-term memory that is the stuff of comedy legend.

18. An explicable urge to ride your bike around the neighborhood. At midnight.

19. When you get text message and you fail to immediately reply, it is never going to be answered anymore.

20. The best pet for you is one that reminds you when it needs to be fed.

21. Reading is impossible in most circumstances.

22. The feeling that you might explode if you don’t let the words come out of your mouth.

23. People find it difficult to believe you when you tell them you have ADHD.

24. You have to rewash your last load of laundry because you forgot it was in the washer.

25. You walk into the room and do all other things other than what you actually went there to do; only realizing this long after.

26. Obsessive adherence to a system, and the extremes you will go to keep anyone from missing with it. Until you get bored and just don’t care anymore.

27. You feel the same way about flashing Gchat alerts as cats do about laser pointers.

28. The amount of time that passes between an idea popping into your head and your need to act on that impulse is about the width of a hair.

29. Adult ADHD has nothing to do with a ‘lack of organization. It is also got nothing to do with interest.

30. When people ask you if you are faking it just to get the Adderall prescription. Or more terribly, when someone request to have or buy your pills.

31. You lose thing so soften, like things you were holding just moments ago.

32. Spending so much time looking around at everything that catches your attention that you begin to look paranoid.

33. You multitask and cannot find focus when you don’t take your medication. Yet, when you take the medication, you can only focus but cannot multitask.

34. The only super reason you suck at the piano is because you’re dedicated to the trombone first. But before that comes the ukulele.

35. It is impossible to plan to do things. Even if you are doing nothing else you still won’t sit down and do what you intended to do.

36. The occasional realization that grownups actually do iron their clothes, but that has absolutely no effect on whether you do.

37. People are constantly insisting that what you have is not real, and that everyone in your generation battles with it.

38. Loving to impulsively commit to stuff you’re excited about before you’ve thought it through.

39. Cleaning out your wallet and finding receipts form 1993… the last time you cleaned out your wallet.

40. You are flaky and confused, but you invest so much time so that nobody will find out.

41. The adult ADHD drugs have side effects including bleeding, pissing your pants, weight gain and even suicidal thoughts.

42. Taking 45 minutes to pick out a pair of black socks at the store because OMG all of the socks. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

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