13 Things Every Quarter-System College Student Struggles With (When Everyone Else Is Already Back For The Fall Semester)


Because not everyone starts classes in August. [insert exasperated sigh here]

1. You text your friends and see who’s free to hang out, only to be rejected since they’re back on their college campuses and have already started classes (and then proceed to tell you all their drama).

2. You become one of the few people left at your internship and you end up eating lunch in the café by yourself.

3. You get a severe case of #FOMO when you see a gazillion pictures on Facebook of your semester-system friends having a blast at their campuses.

4. You decide to sneak into a nearby semester-system college’s event to cure your #FOMO and hope no one points you out and says, “She doesn’t even go here!”

5. You suddenly have the urge to go on a road trip to some exciting city that is a trillion miles away with your quarter-system friends to show your semester-system friends that starting school after August means having more time to #YOLO.

6. You realize you need to save whatever money you have left from the summer to buy those darn expensive textbooks, which you need to get every quarter (all three of ‘em).

7. You laugh at your semester-system friends who already have midterms and think to yourself, “Gosh, I’m so lucky I haven’t started classes yet!”

8. And then you realize that classes are starting in less than a week and you’ll be in the same position that they’re in because you have a minimum of three “midterms” and one final in one quarter and you’ll feel already behind the first day, even though it’s supposedly, “syllabus day.”

9. You suddenly become ridiculously productive and decide to do everything you can possibly imagine that you can do in less than one week before classes begin which includes, but are not limited to, and not necessarily in this order: clean out your closet, watch The Notebook for the hundredth time, eat ice cream before bedtime and regret it afterwards because you can’t sleep at night, change your profile picture on all social media sites instead of keeping the one you’ve had since a year ago, purchase new school supplies even though you have notebooks from last year you didn’t use, go on all your doctor/dentist/hair appointments because we obviously know there’s better things to do when classes pick back up again, and most importantly, doing the laundry.

10. You have already made plans to try that new [Insert Cuisine Here] restaurant with your friends the night you get back to campus (because you secretly wish to post a group #selfiesunday on Instagram and to show your semester-system friends how much fun you’re having when they’re going through #midtermmania).

11. You decide to purchase tickets for a concert at the last minute before the first week of classes, only to realize that the promotion for 3-tickets-for-the-price-of-1 has passed and you really don’t want to cough up $100 for those lawn seats where you can’t even see the band but then you do it anyway.

12. You start to get strangely excited for those late-night study sessions, morning coffee runs, extensive club meetings, and that new [insert subject here] course you’re dying to take — with things changing that much more often, you can’t ever get bored.

13. You realize you just can’t wait for another year of adventure.

featured image – Brianna Wiest