11 Poems For When Your Wanderlust Is Not For A Place, But For A Person


I had wanderlust before I could walk. Always the anywhere-but-here girl. Till I met you. Then my mind was always in two places, wanderlusting to see the world and drifting back home to be with you. Until the day you left. And then, suddenly, all of my wanderlust was for you.


When I was with you
I dreamed about exploring the world
Now that I’m without you
The entire world put together
Can’t fill the void
And I dream only of you.


I dream of you
From far away
I hope that one day
I might stay
Close to you
You close to me
But till that time
But here
I’ll be
I’m a wandering soul
You can’t catch me.


Whenever I think of home
I see your face
And I’m left alone
Once again
In the company
Of all my friends.


In all it’s resting moments
My brain floats back to you.


Souls meet
Shells greet
Bonds break
And bones creak
A click in place
Is a lifelong feat
Once you find your person
You can travel the world
But you can never leave.


You’re always missing
At the beach
Driving along the darkened streets
At dinner
At a party
Watching TV
Trying to sleep
I’m always distracted by the lack of your presence.


Fuck my soul
And its connection to you
I’ve tried scissors
A knife
A hacksaw
What’s a wanderlustful soul to do
I’ve traveled the world
My mind always comes back home to you.


I left
To forget you
It’s just me now
With the voices in my head
And the memories that haunt me
Trouble is
They all belong to you.


I’m homesick for a place
That no longer exists


I drove, flew, ran
As far as I possibly could

To the edges of the earth
So close to the brink that I almost fell off

But I could never get far enough away from myself
To leave you behind.


My restless soul
Sat still for you.