This Is What Happens When ‘Only Children’ Date Each Other As Adults


We should be screaming at each other and throwing tantrums when we don’t get our way, right? Cry when our S.O. doesn’t pay attention to us? Maybe that’s not entirely accurate, all though it does live up to the ideas that pop into people’s heads when they say, “Oh, you’re an Only Child”… as if we grew up playing the devil’s little minions in the toy aisle. We may or may not deny that. But certain things happen when an Only Child meets another, and sparks start to fly:

We’re creative with our time together. We grew up being alone when we weren’t with friends or parents, and that independent time let our creative play shine. We’ll look at things in a fresh way and enjoy that excitement together.

We communicate well with each other. Growing up around adults rather than other children made us well-spoken at a young age, because we learned that in order to be heard by adults, we needed to talk like them. We speak openly about what we want or if something is bothering us, because we trust the power of effective communication.

We baby each other. Okay, maybe “baby” isn’t the right word, but we’re each other’s most committed caregiver. We didn’t grow up with a younger one to look after, and for most of our lives, we were the ones receiving the attention on a one-way street. We love this opportunity now to display our affection to each other and show that yes, we can indeed take care of another human being.

We’re organized. We know each other’s schedules and plan accordingly. If things get really intense, we’ll sync up our calendars to each other’s phones.

Our S.O.’s parents get attached to us, and us to them. They were our world growing up. And, more importantly, our other half understands this relationship because they grew up with the same type of closeness with their parents.

We’re independent. It’s okay for our S.O. to go on a weekend trip with friends. We’ll miss each other, of course, but we grew up entertaining ourselves. A little alone time just means we get to concentrate on our separate interests and maybe catch up with friends we haven’t seen for awhile.

We’re not only independent, but we’re okay with being alone. This self-sufficiency makes our relationship all the more stronger. We’re with each other because this new life trumps all solitary time of the past. We’ve found someone that turns a life about ME, ME, ME, to US, US, US, and even though we know we could survive on our own, being together opens us up to a world where another person is the most important thing in our life.